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Changing policies for better health and development outcomes through Advocacy

Dr. Ntuba Akwo Thompson: A Multifaceted Global Health Leader

Dr. Ntuba Akwo Thompson is a remarkable individual whose contributions span across various domains, making him a distinguished international figure. His multifaceted career encompasses roles as an international political leader, a certified physician in the United States, and a global health expert. Under the protective umbrella of the United States, Dr. Thompson has emerged as a prominent advocate for health and development on a global scale.

With an extensive professional background that spans multiple states and major cities in the USA, Dr. Thompson has demonstrated his commitment to improving healthcare systems and promoting global health initiatives. His work history at the renowned Ben Taub Texas Medical Center and the City of Houston reflects his dedication to health communication and development. As a health and development communicator, Dr. Thompson has utilized his expertise to bridge gaps in healthcare access and education.

One of Dr. Thompson's notable roles is his position as an international preacher, bringing his message of health and well-being to diverse audiences in Africa, the USA, and other continents. Through his preaching experiences, he has not only disseminated valuable health information but also inspired communities to prioritize their well-being.

Adding another dimension to his impactful career, Dr. Thompson serves as the editor of HealthnDevelopment Magazine and Media, a platform that disseminates crucial health-related information. The magazine, available at

HealthNDevelopment magazine -

, has become a valuable resource for individuals seeking insights into global health issues, advancements, and strategies for better well-being.

Dr. Ntuba Akwo Thompson's influence extends beyond the borders of the United States, as evidenced by his extensive travels to Europe. His engagements in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy showcase his commitment to fostering international collaborations and sharing best practices in healthcare.

Furthermore, as an international speaker and consultant at Health Consulting International, Dr. Thompson contributes his expertise to shaping global health policies and initiatives. His role as a consultant allows him to influence decision-makers and contribute to the development of effective strategies for addressing health challenges worldwide.

In conclusion, Dr. Ntuba Akwo Thompson stands as a beacon of leadership in the realms of global health, international politics, and health communication. His diverse roles as a physician, preacher, publisher, and consultant underscore his commitment to creating positive change on a global scale. Through his extensive travels, preaching experiences, and editorial endeavors, Dr. Thompson continues to leave an indelible mark on the landscape of global health and development.



What is Dr. Ntuba Akwo Thompson's role in global health advocacy?


Dr. Ntuba Akwo Thompson plays a pivotal role in global health advocacy. His expertise extends across continents, addressing critical health challenges and promoting positive change. Here are some key aspects of his role:

  1. Policy and Strategy Development:

    • Dr. Akwo actively contributes to shaping global health policies. He collaborates with international organizations, governments, and stakeholders to develop evidence-based strategies.

    • His work involves identifying priority areas, advocating for resource allocation, and ensuring equitable access to healthcare services.

  2. Health Diplomacy and Partnerships:

    • As a global health advocate, Dr. Akwo Ntuba engages in health diplomacy. He fosters relationships between nations, facilitates dialogue, and promotes cooperation.

    • His partnerships span across academia, NGOs, private sectors, and multilateral agencies. These collaborations drive collective efforts toward health equity.

  3. Health Communication and Education:

    • Effective communication is central to global health advocacy. Dr. Akwo leverages media, conferences, and community outreach to disseminate health information.

    • He emphasizes health literacy, disease prevention, and awareness campaigns. By empowering individuals, he contributes to better health outcomes.

  4. Addressing Health Disparities:

    • Dr. Akwo advocates for vulnerable populations, including underserved communities, refugees, and marginalized groups. He works to reduce health disparities.

    • His focus extends to maternal and child health, infectious diseases, nutrition, and mental well-being.

  5. Emergency Preparedness and Response:

    • Global health crises demand swift action. Dr. Akwo  Ntuba participates in pandemic preparedness and response efforts.

    • During events like the COVID-19 pandemic, he collaborates with local and international entities to mitigate risks and protect communities.

In summary, Dr. Ntuba Akwo Thompson’s multifaceted role combines policy influence, communication, and cross-sector collaboration to advance global health. 🌍🩺


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At Health Consulting International, we firmly believe in the power of advocacy communication to bring about positive social change, particularly through policy changes in government. Our advocacy campaigns are designed to inform quality of life and Health committees about the most pressing issues related to health and development, and we work tirelessly to ensure that our message is heard. Our mission is to improve lives and create more equitable health outcomes worldwide.


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Through speaking engagements and consultations, I strive to educate others about the benefits of emerging technologies in healthcare. Whether it's discussing the science and technology behind malaria vaccines or exploring how Asian countries are using robotics in healthcare, I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others. If you are interested in learning more about how Health Consulting International can help improve your healthcare system, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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