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Dr. Ntuba Akwo Thompson is a highly experienced global health professional with over three decades of experience. He has worked with individuals and communities in Africa, Europe, and the USA, collaborating with partners to provide free medical consultations, treatments, and interventions. As a member of the Christian Medical and Dental Association, he integrates principles into his practice of global health outreaches. Dr. Thompson has organized international conferences and crusades, with much of the work taking place in universities and college campuses. His Healthndevelopment outlet is also an outreach initiative that brings awareness and education on the relationship between health and development.

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Dear friends . Justice for dominion recovery. Isaiah 58;1 : Thus saith the lord , keep ye judgement, and do justice ". The is no successful recovery mission that does not include community reentry work as part of it,s activities . Let us keep Judgement and do Justice . The are people today who are haunted by mistakes of their past. The is what is called Criminal history in the USA and most rehabilitated former prisoners cannot get jobs . They are discriminated against because of the criminal background , some will never be able to rent  an apartment. That is punishing a person for a crime all through their lives . That is injustice . There are also those who do not know that their criminal records can be expunged. The are those children who committed crimes especially substance abuse related as juveniles and they are suffering the consequences in adult life  . They don,t know nor do they have lawyers who can  work with them through the sealing and or expungement process and the laws are the same through out the states . Our Recovery mission work[Outreaches especially homeless former prisoners  must always make room to address these issues especially among Hiv/aids clients , addicts , abused and mentally challenged , then we shall be considered just in our approach .Our outreaches to prisons came with preaching the word , helping with medical supplies and bills and provision of food supplies  [Restorative Justice ] . DR[REV] THOMPSON AKWO NTUBA

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Dr. NTUBA AKWO THOMPSON is on his way to an outreach funeral ministry, where he will comfort the bereaved. As a minister, he understands that this is God's work, and he is honored to be entrusted with it. The Church is a missionary church, and Dr. Ntuba Akwo  Thompson is proud to be a part of its mission to heal the world through outreaches.

Dr. Ntuba Akwo Thompson's Health and Development Media provides free, practical theological resources in videos and print to help Christians fulfill their commission to preach, heal, and disciple the nations. These resources are designed to be systematic and easy to understand, even for those who may not have to other resources. With this outreach, Dr. Thompson is helping to spread the message of Christianity to people around the world
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Teaching Pastors and Ministers 

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Dr Ntuba Akwo Thompson partners with the city of Houston Texas USA  2024, Working for the Freedom over Texas event with some proceeds from the sale of beverages going to support the work of Houston Food bank .
The event continues to be an opportunity for  community mobilization , and engagement .
The celebration of the diversity in Houston is seen in the different types of Music , Cusine and presentations, with many vendors displaying and supplying healthy zero sugar drinks and Energy BEVERAGES .
  The united states Coast guard staff explained to some participants the many functions of their organization , incluidng 1 Drug interdiction 2 Marine safety 3  Marine environmental protection 4 Search and Rescue 5  Migrant Interdiction .

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