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 Substance use disorders and Process addictions are behavioural health issues .

  Advocacy and policy change work , as consultant for
 non profits and for profit  institutions makes a difference .

 Many recovering persons need resources for reentry into their communities after  serving  time.

 Recovery work addresses in an integrative manner addictions,aids and abuse .

Justice, Jobs & Behavioral health in Recovery work

   Dr Akwo Thompson Ntuba  with first black mayor of Baltimore and current president of university of Baltimore [UB]  contribute in the formulation of mayoral strategic interventions and resources for those with behavioral health issues including substance use disorders , process addictions and related mental health problems .

  Many  people who are homeless and jobless have had issues with the criminal justice system . How to go about restoring them to useful participation in the community  will require working with the record issues they have with the prison system in the most part , training and capacity building [skills ] and finding jobs .

     Many of them are homeless and would need housing .

    The place of prevention and treatment of substance use disorders victims was noted .

     The video below shows the Baltimor solution summit in session with Mayor Purgh in attendance .

Our recovery work address the issues in three mayor categories .
  A Policy , prevention and health promotion .
  B Healing phase , Biopsychosociospiritual [BPSS] or integrative approach . Example replacement treatment with Methadone.
  C   Restoration phase or maintenance .
         Justice , Capacity building of skills/jobs
          Financial management ,     relationship building .

Drug courts that favor drug treatments and community restorative justice are doing really great work . 

Great every day people working for the recovery industry get to make the drug court hall f fame . 

The national association of drug courts professionals include judges , prosecutors , parole officers , mental health practitioners , public health workers and corporate members all involved in making the drug courts  and Veteran treatment courts a success 

The recovery film festival and the Global health film festival have resources that are used in communicating great aspects of stories of  those in recovery and other issues related to the work . Lots of the films have a lot to teach practitioners .

RI Veterans Treatment court veteran mentor program works , says William Delaney , volunteer mentor 

The is need for more Veteran mentors to be trained , and NADCP continues to do that . 

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